U.S. Bicycle Route System

U.S. Bicycle Route System
The U.S. Bicycle Route System is a developing national network of bicycle routes which will link urban, suburban, and rural areas using a variety of appropriate cycling facilities.
The National Corridor Plan shows officially designated U.S. Bike Routes identified as 50-mile wide corridors both prioritized (numbered,dark, solid line) and un-prioritized (un-numbered faint brown lines) where a route might exist or be developed as a U.S. Bicycle Route.
Based upon state opportunities or local support, the plan can change by adding new corridors or realigning existing corridors. As corridors become official routes, the wide swaths of color that show the corridors on the map become solid lines to define actual routes.
The Ohio River Trail Council is in full support of designating PA Bike Route A as a U.S. Bicycle Route.